Cynthia Elder
My debut historical fiction novel, If the Sea Must Be Your Home, will be released in spring 2025 (Holand Press).
How it started
My first love was Daddy's 1950s Royal typewriter, a beast of a machine. At the age of 10, I pounded on those metal keys and wrote my way through, over and around the jagged contours of my life.
"Paper your wall with rejection slips. It proves you're a writer." That was the advice from Emmie Mygatt, my grandmother and mentor, who toughened me up early. She sent my adolescent musings out to literary journals well beyond my reach. As a teenager, my bathroom wall was covered with rejection.
"If you can think of anything else to do besides being a writer, do that," said Fiction Writer Geoff Clark to my creative writing class sent some students running toward business degrees. I kept writing.
Decades later, I'm still here behind the keyboard, tapping out the rhythm of life in novels, poems, memoirs and blogs. I'm excited to share that my debut historical novel, If the Sea Must Be Your Home, will be published in 2025 by Holand Press. I welcome you to join my mailing list to receive updates on the release date, events and celebrations.
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